Nurse's Corner


Genesis: Please go into the Parent Portal in Genesis and fill out both the Health Office information card, the Scoliosis form, and the Wellness Confirmation Form (for students entering from another district, forms will be made available after registration is complete).

Medication: If your child will need to take daily or as needed medications while at school an Authorization to Administer Medications at School Form must be filled out and signed by your child's doctor. No medication can be administered without this doctor's order, including all prescribed medication and over the counter medications, skin creams, eye drops, inhalers and allergy medication.

All medication needs to be in the original container. Medication must be brought to school by an adult; children cannot bring medication in their backpack.

Medication must be picked up by the end of the year. I am not allowed to store medication over the summer. Medication not picked up by the last day of school will be discarded.

If your child has a medical condition or takes medication in school you must update their medical paperwork each school year. Please make an appointment with your child's doctor to have this done.

Peanut Free Tables/Classrooms: We do not typically have peanut free classrooms or tables at Jefferson elementary school. Our teachers discourage the students from bringing in peanut containing snacks and our students are getting older and can usually safely make their own food choices. If your child has a severe allergy such that they cannot be exposed at all to a certain food, please let me know and we will arrange a special place for your child to eat- preferably with a few friends who agree to keep them safe.

6th grade immunizations: There are 2 additional immunizations required prior to entrance into the 6th grade. Please ask your child's doctor about them at their next appointment.

Information about these immunizations and all required medical forms are available here:

Scoliosis screening: School nurses are required to screen for a curvature of the spine called Scoliosis starting at age 10 and then every other year until age 18. We perform this screening in grades 5, 7, 9, and 11. Students are required to take off their shirts for the examination. Please see “Forms” in Genesis for more information.

Contact numbers: Make sure to give the school several phone numbers to reach you in case your child gets sick or has an accident. You can update your contact info. in your child's profile in Genesis. It is absolutely essential that we are able to contact you at all times. I will notify you via email of any non-urgent issues. Make sure to update the school during the year of any phone number and/or email changes.

When Your Child Should Stay Home: It is our goal for students to attend classes everyday school is in session. However, there are times when students need to stay home for their own health and/or the health and safety of others. Below are some guidelines to help families decide when to keep students at home:

  • Fever/Cough: Temp 100.4 or greater. Students must stay home for 24 hours after their temperature has returned to normal without the help of fever-reducing medications such as Ibuprofen or Tylenol. Please do not give your child Tylenol or Motrin and then send them to school. We want your children in school but not if they are sick!
  • COVID-19 pPandemic Policy: Students with a cough, new loss of taste/smell, fever, or difficulty breathing will be sent home immediately and will need a negative COVID-19 test or a quarantine prior to returning to school. I will update you as new information is obtained.
  • Diarrhea: Three or more loose or watery stools in a 24-hour period, especially if the student feels ill. Students should stay home for 24 hours after the last watery stool.
  • Vomiting: Two or more times during the last 24 hours, especially if the student feels ill. Students should stay home for 24 hours after the last time they vomited.
  • Rash of unknown origin or those known to be contagious such as ringworm, impetigo or scabies. Students may return to school with a clearance note from their doctor.
  • Eyes that are draining mucus or pus or that have unusual redness, itchiness or pain not due to injury or allergy.
  • Lice: May return to school after being treated and checked by the school nurse and are free of any live lice or nits.
  • Diagnosed Strep Throat or Bacterial Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye): Must stay home 24 hours after first dose of antibiotics.

Gayle Sumner, RN

School Nurse

Jefferson Elementary School


School Nurse

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